Our People




Leadership Opportunities For Our Students

Leadership is encouraged and developed across all areas of the school. From the earliest age, there are many opportunities to take on leadership roles and explore individual gifts and talents. The younger students see this role modelled daily by older students and are keen to try different roles. Our weekly assembly provides a regular opportunity to practise these skills, as do our regular liturgies and masses. Some of the roles taken on by students are liturgy leaders, assembly leaders, altar servers, choir, Student Council, ICT leaders, Big Buddies, Peer Tutors and many others.

Student Council

The student council is made up of ten students who are elected by the student body. Students who want to be apart of the council must give a short speech about why they should be in the student council and what they’ll do to make the year fun and enjoyable. Then the students and teachers have a vote to determine who makes the council.

House Captain

There are four houses at Sacred Heart: Woodpigeon – house colour: green, Fantail – house colour: blue, White Heron – house colour: yellow and Kingfisher – house colour: red. Every year the students in each house vote for who they want to be the house captains.

Road Patrol

We are very grateful to staff and students who keep us all safe when crossing the road, rain, hail or shine.